All students must be in class, ready to learn by 8:00 a.m. in order to be marked present and on time. It is essential for students to understand the importance of regular school attendance and punctuality. Remember “In your seat by 8 or you are late!” Bell rings at 7:55 a.m. Students are considered late when the tardy bell rings at 8:00 a.m.
Classroom student supervision is not available before 7:00 am. Students arriving prior to 7:00 a.m. will be sent to the café or the multipurpose room. Students arriving prior to 7:15 a.m. will be placed in the Before School Care Program (BSP) and fees will be assessed.
Carpool Drop Off is from 7:15 a.m. – 7:55 a.m.
Students arriving between 7:15 a.m. – 7:35 a.m. may utilize either carpool lane. Both the front entry and café entry will be open from 7:15 a.m. -7:55 a.m.
Student Drop-Off Procedures
Traffic will enter the one-way carpool loop from Morgan Road. All students, K – 8th grades, must exit the car on the side closest to the building. Students are not permitted to walk around or between cars. Cars will then be directed to loop back around to the back of the school and exit turning onto Morgan Road. Faculty and staff members will return to the building at 7:55 am. After 7:55 am, for safety, parents must park and escort ALL students into the building. At 8:00 a.m. any student not in their assigned classroom will be counted as tardy and will need to be signed in by a parent and/or guardian in the front office.
Students cannot be dropped off at the back of the school or on the side and walked to the front of the building due to safety issues. If a parent needs to come into the building, they must park and wait for carpool drop-off to end.
School Pass
CCA will utilize SchoolPass for visitor and volunteer management. All visitors and volunteers must sign in through SchoolPass at the front office. All visitors and volunteers will receive a name tag and a lanyard which they are required to wear at all times while on school property.
Student Pick-Up Procedures
Afternoon Dismissal will begin promptly at 2:40 p.m. for students in kindergarten – 2nd grade. Students in 3rd – 8th grade will be dismissed at 3:00p.m. Any transportation changes will be communicated via email & the Transportation Change Document by 2:00p.m. Transportation changes will not be accepted after 2:00 p.m. See the section on Transportation Changes for the proper procedure to submit these requests.
(K-2 Dismissal @ 2:40 pm – GREEN Lane/Zone 1/Front Door Canopy)
- Gate will open at 2:30pm to begin Carpool line up. Please do not arrive any earlier than 2:30pm.
- Kindergarten – 2nd grade students will be dismissed from the GREEN LANE from 2:40 - 3:00 pm. NO STUDENTS IN 3rd-8th Grade will be dismissed at this time.
- Carpool will stop at 3:00 p.m. for off-site Day-Care Centers to Dismiss.
(K-8 Dismissal @ 3:00 pm – Both Lanes)
- Carpool will begin again between 3:05 – 3:07 pm utilizing both lanes.
- We ask K-2 students with siblings in older grades to dismiss from the Green Lane.
- To ensure safety, please follow the directions of the Morgan Rd traffic director.
- Please pick a lane and stay in it- NO CHANGING LANES
Please see the Carpool Map for detailed information and Carpool FAQ for additional information.
IMPORTANT: For the safety of our children, please refrain from texting and general use of your cell phone while in the carpool lane!
All vehicles are expected to comply with the pattern set by school personnel. During morning carpool and afternoon pick up, cars will NOT be allowed to directly enter or exit the parking lot via Highway 16.
IMPORTANT: Students not picked up by the end of carpool or 3:45pm, whichever is later will be sent to After-School Care where a drop-in fee of $25.00 will be charged each day. The second time that a student is not picked up on time, the parent must fill out all After-School Care forms, so that they are on file in the event of an emergency.
Pick-up car tag procedures
CCA uses a CarRider Dismissal system. Students will remain in class until they are dismissed. Students will receive two car tags at the beginning of the year. Additional placards may be purchased at the school office for $5.00 per tag. The student car tag should hang from the rearview mirror of the vehicle. The CarRider box will electronically read the car tag, instructing your child inside the building where to go in order to reach the designated location of pick-up. Carpool is a continuously moving process. If you arrive at the designated carpool spot and your child is not present, please pull around to Recall. All students who have missed their initial call or location will be sent to Recall. After getting your child, proceed around the carpool loop to Morgan Road.
Students are not permitted to walk or ride bicycles, skateboards or scooters through the parking lot.
In the event you have forgotten your car tag, you will be asked to proceed to the Recall loop to show appropriate identification and pick up your student. Students will not be dismissed to a carpool location without proper car tags. Photocopied, handwritten or alternative car tags will not be accepted. Please follow drop-off and pick-up procedures very carefully to keep all our children and staff safe. You MUST have the proper identification, car tag or picture id, to pick up your child.