Cell Phone, Smart Watch, & Personal Electronic Device Discipline
Use of Electronic Devices by Students - Student Possession of Smart Watches, Cell Phones, and/or Personal Electronic Devices (PED)
- Students are not allowed to have smart watches on school property. There are no exceptions. Smart watches should be left at home. If found on school property they will be confiscated, the student will receive ISS for one day, and the student will lose the privilege of possessing a cell phone or any other personal electronic devices (PEDs) on school property for one (1) calendar year. Disciplinary consequences shall escalate for multiple offenses.
- The possession of cell phones and other personal electronic devices (PEDs) on school grounds is a privilege extended to students with the understanding that they will abide by the SMART WATCH, CELL PHONE, & PED POLICY. Due to the potential disruption a cell phone or PED may cause to the instructional environment the disciplinary actions outlined below will be strictly enforced.
- Unless otherwise directed by school administration or school staff, the use of cell phones or other PEDs is forbidden for all students at all times during the instructional day. The instructional day includes, but is not limited to, lunch periods, class changes, study halls, recess periods, electives periods, and any other structured or non-structured activity that occurs during the normal school day. If a student is allowed to possess a cell phone or PED, the devices must be kept out of sight in their book bag, backpack, or purse and turned completely off. This prohibition includes all emergency situations unless the student is directed to use a cell phone or PED by a CCA employee or other official or unless an extreme threat to the health or safety of a student arises and no CCA employee or other official is present.
- This policy is in effect from the time a student arrives at school until the completion of the instructional day and/or a student leaves the school property.
- Students are prohibited by law from using any electronic devices during the operation of a school bus or bus being used to transport students for a school activity, including but not limited to cell phones; tablets; iPads; iPods; pagers; audible radios, tape or compact disc players; or any other electronic device without headphones or ear buds; or any other electronic device in a manner that might interfere with the bus communications’ equipment or the bus driver's operation of the bus.
- Students are NEVER permitted to use cell phones in the restrooms.
- All cell phones must be completely turned off during the instructional day. Students are not allowed to have cell phone ringers on silent alert or send text messages during the school day. If a phone rings, buzzes, or alerts in any manner during class or while the student is at school, the teacher or staff member shall invoke the Smart Watch, Cell Phone and PED Policy. "Forgetting" to turn off the cell phone is not an acceptable excuse.
- Students are not allowed to use cell phones in the classrooms, common areas, lunchrooms, hallways, multi-purpose room, or outside during the regular instructional day.
- At the discretion of a School Director, Superintendent, or their designee a student may possibly be given permission to use their cell phone or PED during afterschool activities or afterschool events that take place on school property.
- Photographing, audio recording or videotaping on Coweta Charter Academy property is not allowed at any time without the expressed, written consent of the students, staff members, or other persons being photographed or recorded AND a School Director or the Superintendent.
Immediate Disciplinary Consequences and Actions for the following violations of this policy:
- Photographing, recording or videotaping of students or other persons in any state of undress may constitute a violation of federal law. Any violation will result in serious disciplinary consequences, up to and including expulsion.
- Photographing, audio recording or videotaping on Coweta Charter Academy’s property is not allowed at any time without the expressed, written consent of the students, staff members or other persons being photographed or recorded AND a School Director or the Superintendent. Any violation will result in the device being confiscated and will result in the student’s loss of the privilege of possessing a cell phone or PED on school property for one (1) calendar year.
- Use of a cell phone, smart watch, or PED during a test or quiz shall be considered a violation of the academic integrity policy. Any violation will result in the device being confiscated and will result in the student’s loss of the privilege of possessing a cell phone or PED on school property for one (1) calendar year and the student will receive a grade of zero (0) on the test or quiz.
Disciplinary actions regarding other violations of this policy are as follows:
- First violation: Verbal warning. The device will be confiscated, kept at the front office, and returned to the student at the end of the school day as they are leaving.
- Second violation: The device will be confiscated and the phone or device will be returned only to the parent/legal guardian who must schedule a conference at the school to retrieve the item.
- Third violation: The device will be confiscated and the phone or device will be returned only to the parent/legal guardian who must schedule a conference at the school to retrieve the item. Additionally, the student will be assigned to In-School Suspension (ISS) for two days or the phone will be taken away and kept at the school front office for ten school days [parent's choice].
- Fourth violation: The device will be confiscated, the student will receive ISS for two days, and the violation will result in the student’s loss of the privilege of possessing a cell phone or PED on school property for one (1) semester. Written notice will be mailed to the parent, and the phone or device will be returned only to the parent/legal guardian who must schedule a conference at the school to retrieve the item.
- Fifth (or more) violation: The device will be confiscated, the student will receive Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) for one day, and the violation will result in the student’s loss of the privilege of possessing a cell phone or PED on school property for one (1) calendar year. Written notice will be mailed to the parent, and the phone or device will be returned only to the parent/legal guardian who must schedule a conference at the school to retrieve the item. Furthermore, students who do not adhere to these guidelines will be subject to other disciplinary actions.
All staff members shall confiscate cell phones, smart watches, and PED when used in violation of this policy and its implementing regulation. If a student refuses to relinquish a cell phone, smart watch, or other device to a school employee, the staff member shall refer the student with the device to the School Director, the Superintendent, or their designee. The Coweta Charter Academy assumes no liability for the theft, loss or damage of cell phones, smart watches, and other PEDs possessed by students on school property or held by school officials during the confiscation period. CCA employees will not be responsible for searching for lost or stolen cell phones, smart watches, or other PEDs.