Dress Code
A higher standard of dress encourages greater respect for individual students and results in a higher standard of behavior. Our dress code guidelines indicate appropriate school dress for normal school days. The administration at Coweta Charter Academy reserves the right to interpret these guidelines and/or make changes as necessary during the school year. Students are expected to follow these guidelines. A school uniform shall be worn by every student in attendance. Please see the Student Dress Code Policy for detailed requirements. There is also a Non-uniform Apparel Code for dress down days and/or special events.
All uniforms must be purchased through our uniform vendors and embroidered with the proper school logos. Uniforms that are altered for length (other than pant legs), belt loops, etc. will be considered a uniform violation. The approved school vendors are J&R Clothing and Lands’ End . Uniforms may not be purchased nor monogrammed at any other locations.
Parents or students who have specific questions about a garment’s appropriateness, financial assistance, or would like to request an exemption from the dress code for religious reasons should contact the Superintendent.
Consequences for Dress Code Violations
1st Offense – Sent to the office either to change or have a parent/guardian bring appropriate clothing. If clothing is not changed, student will spend the remainder of the day in In-School Suspension.
2nd Offense – Student will receive one day of In-School Suspension. 3rd Offense – Student will receive two days of In-School Suspension.
Three or more offenses in one school year – student will receive one day of Out-of-School Suspension for each additional offense.