Early Dismissal
Any student leaving school prior to dismissal will have an early dismissal logged to his/her record.
Excused early dismissals are given for dentist’s and doctor’s appointments with notes from the professional service provider. To receive an excused early dismissal, a dentist’s or doctor’s note must be brought to school the next day. Dentist’s and Doctor’s notes will NOT be accepted late. Only original dentist and doctor excuses will be accepted.
If a child needs to be taken out of school before the end of the school day, the parent (or someone designated on the Emergency Contact Card) will report to the Front Office and sign the child out. A designated employee will send for your child. In instances of large school functions, this procedure may be changed. Instructions will be given if the general procedure for checkouts is adjusted.
IMPORTANT: Any party checking a child out must be on the Emergency Contact Card and present a current Driver’s License or Passport for identification.
**No early dismissals will be permitted after 2:00 p.m. There will be NO exceptions to this policy.