Throughout the school year, students will have opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities. Some of these opportunities require a fee for participation. Enrichments/Clubs are developed based on student interest and with specific grade levels in mind. As enrichment activities become available to the students, the registration guide will be sent home electronically. The registration guide will include the name of the activities offered, the days/time and any related costs. Enrollment fees and registration forms will only be accepted prior to the indicated deadline. If paying by check, please print student name and enrichment/club name in the check memo section. Enrichment/Club programs function independently from the After-School Program (ASP). The CCA Code of Conduct and Dress Codes apply for all enrichment/club activities.
If a child is not picked up on time, following enrichment/club dismissal, he/she will be placed in the After-School Program and be charged applicable fees (including registration fees and daily drop-in rate of $25/day).
*Any child picked up from the After-School program after 6:00 pm will be charged an additional $15.00 late fee/per minute beyond the $25.00/day drop-in fee.
Students who are absent from school on the scheduled day of any school scheduled activity or enrichment may not participate in activities, club, or enrichment that day. Discipline assignments take precedence over all school activities (band practice, field trips, enrichments and clubs, etc.) Students suspended and/or expelled may not attend, participate or represent the school in any school activity during the term of that suspension, expulsion, or removal. Students returning to campus after a recommended suspension or expulsion may continue to be prohibited from extra-curricular activities at the sole discretion of the Superintendent or School Director.