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Field Trips

As a learning experience, CCA may plan field trips. Parents may be asked to assist the teacher as chaperones. Parents serving in this capacity may not have other children accompany them. Parents who are officially selected to be chaperones may count their hours on the field trip as volunteer hours. The Guidelines for Chaperones form must be signed prior to any parent chaperoning a field trip. Parent chaperones are required to adhere to these guidelines and required to complete a criminal background check, FERPA training, and Mandated Reporter training. Parents serving as chaperones and not under direct supervision at all times of a CCA staff member must be fingerprinted and have a national criminal background check on file.

Participation in field trips is a privilege. Students serve as representatives of the school. They may be excluded from participation in any trip for reasons relating to behavior, conduct, or missing or incomplete work. Students must follow all instructions given by staff or any other adult in charge on the way to and from the site and while at the activity. Students who fail to follow instructions will be given an appropriate consequence upon return to school. If circumstances warrant, parents may be asked to pick their child up from the field trip at their own expense. If a student is suspended, they may be excluded from participating in any field trips or extra-curricular activities during that semester.

Students will be excluded from field trips for any of the following behaviors within a school semester:

  1. Two or more administrative after school detentions for any reason.
  2. Two Saturday School assignments for any reason.
  3. Two or more days of in-school suspension for any reason.
  4. Any in-school suspension assigned for the day of a trip.
  5. Any days of out of school suspension.
  6. Any inappropriate behaviors on previous field trips that resulted in disciplinary action.
  7. Any type of physical altercation with another student or staff member within an 18 weeks period.
  8. Any type of threat issued toward the school, a student, or a staff member within an 18 weeks period.
  9. Any type of sexual harassment or bullying incident within an 18 weeks period.
  10. Five or more unexcused absences within and 18 weeks period.

Parent permission must be given for students to participate in field trips. The teacher will send permission slips and information about each field trip 2-4 weeks prior to each field trip. Money and permission slips must be turned in according to the school's instructions prior to the field trip for the child to go on the trip. Students are to wear their traditional polo uniform on field trips for security reasons (unless authorized otherwise by an administrator). All open balances owed to the school must be remitted prior to the student attending the field trip (i.e., before care/after care fees, lost book fees, club fees, replacement/repair computer costs, emergency lunch fees, etc.).

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