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General Attendance Rules

Any student who is tardy or who must leave school prior to regular dismissal time MUST check in and/or out with the main office secretary. Otherwise, the student will be considered truant.

If a student misses school in order to attend a non-school function, the absence will be considered unexcused. However, if you obtain advanced permission from the School Director, the student may be allowed to make up any missed assignments.

Students participating in a CCA contest/event must attend school the full day in order to participate. Exceptions can only be made by the Superintendent, School Director, or School Director designee. A student who has been absent for five (5) or more days for illness, must present a physician’s statement to be re-admitted to class.

Absence excuse notes must be provided within 72 hours of return to school for full day absences.

Disciplinary actions for excessive absences, unexcused absences, tardiness and truancies are outlined below. A student’s record is cumulative and is based on a complete school year.

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