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Grievance Procedure

Filing a Complaint

The purpose of this grievance policy is to settle any complaint or grievance of a student currently enrolled in Coweta Charter Academy or their parent/guardian. This policy shall apply in any instance where a separate grievance or complaint policy has not otherwise been identified.

To the extent that another grievance policy has not been identified, this policy shall be used for all complaints concerning a school employee, school program, or allegations that the school or a school employee has acted in a manner that violates federal or state rules and laws or policies of Coweta Charter Academy.

If a same or similar complaint or grievance is submitted under this policy and another applicable grievance policy, the grievance process under this policy shall be stayed until a ruling or resolution has been issued under all other grievance policies. The Board shall have the discretion to undertake both procedures simultaneously and issue a concurrent response or resolution on the same or similar complaints or grievances.  Additionally, this policy shall be stayed pending resolution of any same or similar complaint that has been filed with any entity outside Coweta Charter Academy. 

Level I – Informal Discussion

Students and parents are encouraged to try and resolve conflicts with the least amount of formal proceedings as is necessary to reach a just and expeditious resolution. Most grievances may be resolved through an informal discussion with the appropriate school personnel prior to filing a formal complaint.

If the grievance or complaint is related to classroom concerns, the student or parent should request a meeting with the teacher or the grade level lead teacher to respectfully discuss and seek a reasonable resolution. Any complaint that involves the actions of another student should be discussed with the School Director. Under no circumstances should parents approach another student for informal resolution. Questions about the appropriate school personnel for informal resolution in all other matters should be directed to the School Director.

Level II – Formal Complaint

In the event that satisfactory resolution cannot be reached through informal means, the aggrieved party may file a written complaint with the Superintendent or his/her designee within thirty (30) calendar days of the alleged wrongful act or violation. At a minimum, a properly filed written complaint must include the following information, to the extent that it is known:

  1. Name and contact information of the person filing the complaint;
  2. Relationship of the Complainant to a student enrolled at Coweta Charter Academy;
  3. Date(s) of the alleged wrongful action;
  4. Name(s) of the school employee(s) and/or student(s) alleged to be involved in the wrongful act;
  5. A written statement detailing the specific allegations;
  6. The specific law or school policy alleged to have been violated;
  7. Names and contact information, if known, of any witnesses to the alleged wrongful act;
  8. Any supporting documentation or other evidence, if available; and
  9. A clear statement of the resolution sought by the Complainant.

A complaint containing the necessary information will be considered properly filed with the Superintendent or his/her designee if filed via the form available on the school’s website or on the same form available at the school office.

Upon receipt of a properly filed written complaint, and any supporting documentation, the Superintendent will determine the nature of the grievance and begin collecting the relevant information and data.  The Superintendent will make every effort to provide a written decision within ten (10) school days of receipt of the complaint. In the event that additional time will reasonably be required to complete the investigation, the Superintendent shall provide the Complainant with an update within 10 school days and an estimate of when he/she will issue a written decision.

If the Superintendent is the subject of the complaint, the formal complaint may be filed with the School Director or the Accountability, Compliance, and Academic Director.

Level III – Appeal

Within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the Level II decision, either party may appeal the Level II decision to the Coweta Charter Academy Board of Directors. 

The appeal, which will be limited to the matter under review, must be filed, in writing, with the Chair of the Board. The written appeal must include a copy of the original complaint, and state the reasons for the appeal, including the specific reasons for dissatisfaction with the Level II decision. If necessary, the Board may request additional written information from the Complainant and/or other people involved in the complaint. Additionally, the Board shall have the discretion to provide the parties with an opportunity to address the Board or a committee of the Board directly in closed session, during which time both parties shall be present, and the Board may ask questions of the parties. No new evidence may be presented by the parties during the appeal. Upon receipt of a properly filed appeal, the Board shall obtain all investigation notes and findings from the Superintendent.

The Board shall review the facts, documentation, and investigation findings, and if practicable, issue a written decision within thirty (30) business days of receipt of the written appeal. The decision of the Board shall be final.

The Board Chair may appoint a specific Board member or a committee of the Board to coordinate and review the appeal and make recommendations to the full Board for adoption.

Any initial complaint filed directly with the Board will be transferred to the Superintendent or School Director to first conduct a Level II review. Provided however, the Board shall have the discretion to automatically elevate any complaint directly to a Level III review, if appropriate.

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