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Inclement Weather Information & Closings

In the case of severe weather emergencies, pertinent information will be disseminated through the local news and radio, School communication (email), Canvas, social media outlets as well on the school website.

Television Stations notified:

WSB               11Alive           Fox 5

Please note that Coweta Charter Academy DOES NOT follow the closings of county school districts.  We serve five county school districts and cannot close the school every time a county school district closes.  We will make the best decision for our specific school location based on information received from multiple news feeds.

Should we elect to close the campus due to inclement weather conditions, we reserve the right to continue school remotely.  Should the school transition to remote learning, students are required to log on and complete assigned work each day that the school is closed for inclement weather, including but not limited to attending live instructional sessions conducted through GoTo, Google Classroom, and/or Zoom, viewing recordings through GoTo, Google Classroom, and/or Zoom, completing worksheets, and/or completing online lessons.

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