Instructional Books, Equipment, Materials, and Supplies
All textbooks and technology devices needed by students for school are furnished by the school. The school is also able to provide the materials and equipment requested by teachers for classroom instruction.
Students need to realize that books, materials, and 1:1 technology device are expensive and that they should be cared for properly. Students will be assigned books, as applicable, and devices. Before being issued a technology device, each student and parent/guardian will sign off on the Acceptable Use Policy (1:1 Device Agreement). Once the agreement is signed the student device will be insured by the school. Failure to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement results in the parent/guardian being responsible for all damage and replacement costs for the assigned computer. Further, the computer will not be replaced until the parent pays the replacement or repair costs. Students must respect all classroom materials, and refrain from writing in or damaging textbooks and devices. Charges will be made for damaged or lost books, materials, and technology or school property. Students must learn to be responsible for the care of personal and school materials.
Students must turn in textbooks, classroom library books, iPads and accessories, or laptops and accessories when notified at the end of the school year. Students who transfer, withdraw, are expelled, or terminate enrollment for any reason must return their device and other assigned school property on the date of withdrawal. Parents and students who fail to return the device agree to pay for the full replacement cost of the device and any accessories. The school may take other administrative steps until such payment is made. A student who fails to return a device or any accessories without reporting them lost or stolen will be responsible for the full replacement cost of the items not returned. If a device is stolen, then a police report must be filed and a copy provided to the school.
Students/parents will be expected to provide all basic school supplies. Certain supplies may need to be replenished over the course of the school year. Any additional supply needs will be requested in writing by the classroom teacher.
Technology Insurance
Provided parents/guardians sign the Acceptable Use Policy and return it to the school, a student’s computer insurance will be provided by the school at no additional cost to the parent.