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Student Search Policy

The Superintendent, School Director, or his/her designee may conduct a reasonable inspection of school property and students' school desks, backpacks, purses, jackets, and articles carried upon their persons in accordance with law and school policies.

A student’s backpack, pockets, or other articles carried upon their persons may be searched when a School official has a reasonable suspicion that the student is violating or has violated the law or School rule or policy. Any search of a student’s person or personal belonging must be conducted in a manner and scope that is reasonably related to the circumstances. When necessary and justified, any search that requires a student to remove articles of clothing must be conducted in private by a school official of the same sex as the student and must be conducted in the presence of another school official of the same sex.

Desks, electronic devices, and other property of the school may be subject to inspection for any reason and without warning or notice. Although not required, personnel should try to limit random searches of school property without reasonable suspicion. At the time school property is assigned to a student, students should be provided with the rules and regulations of using school property and reminded that such property is subject to search by school officials. However, omission of this reminder does not preclude the search of school property. Additionally, the Superintendent, School Director, or his/her designee may authorize law enforcement or other individuals to access school property to conduct a search in accordance with law.

In the event the search of a student's person, personal possessions, or desk reveals the student is concealing material, the possession of which is prohibited by federal, state, or local law, the proper authorities shall be notified so that they may take appropriate action. Additionally, a student may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with school policies.

Items which are generally prohibited by the CCA Student Code of Conduct may be confiscated by the Superintendent, School Director, or designee. Confiscated items must remain in the possession of a designated school official, unless the items are relinquished to the proper authorities. For all items not relinquished to the authorities, the School Director shall determine the appropriate time for disposal of a confiscated item or when the item may be returned to the student or their parent/guardian.

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