Truancy Policy - Attendance Referral Process
The primary goal of this attendance protocol is to address unexcused absences for students ages six to fifteen. Absences stemming from out of school suspensions, while concerning, shall not warrant a School Social Work referral unless deemed necessary by school administration. Any child subject to compulsory attendance who during the school calendar year has more than five days of unexcused absence is considered truant. The school will take the following actions for students with multiple unexcused absences:
- Three (3) absences: Teachers will communicate with parents regarding student attendance via e-mail, phone, parent conference or postcard. Documentation should be kept by teachers throughout the school year.
- Five (5) absences: The school will contact parents through one of the following: Telephone call, letter, and/or email. Written notice will be provided that outlines the penalty and consequences of such absences and that each subsequent absence is a separate offense.
- Seven (7) absences: A School Social Work referral will be generated by the School Director or School Director designee listing specific school-based interventions (telephone calls, letters, conferences, etc.) that have occurred prior to making the referral.
- Ten (10) or more absences: Students and/or parents may be subject to a referral(s) to juvenile court, magistrate court and/or Department of Family and Children Services for truancy and/or educational neglect. Detailed information pertaining to the student, local school and school social work interventions will be necessary when filing a Complaint with DFCS, Juvenile and/or Magistrate Court. Prior to commencing judicial action, CCA will send written notice via certified mail return receipt requested, to the parent, guardian, or other person required to comply with compulsory attendance.
Excessive Absences (excused or unexcused): At the discretion of school administration, a referral to the School Social Worker can be made at any time it is deemed appropriate for excessive excused/unexcused absences. Previous years’ attendance records may be taken into consideration when making a referral.