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Lunch Program

Coweta Charter Academy does not offer a breakfast and/or lunch program.  CCA does not participate in the National School Lunch Program (There are no free or free & reduced lunch options). All students must bring their own lunches and snacks from home.*

Note: Students are asked every morning to verify that they have a lunch and if they indicate that they do not, the front office will call home for the parent/guardian to bring a lunch for their student to the school prior to their student's lunch period.  If the parent is not able to return to the school prior to the student's lunch period, parents may elect to have DoorDash or UberEats deliver a lunch to the school for the student.  

The school provides microwaves for those students that want to warm up their lunch items. Assistance is available for our youngest students. Please try to limit sending items that must be warmed up as students may have to wait their turn for a microwave to be available and the amount of time they have for lunch can be negatively impacted by the wait.

Also, please remember to always include napkins and a drink.  Please also remember to include cutlery (fork, spoon), condiments (salt, pepper, ketchup, mustard, dipping sauces, mayo, etc.), straw, and/or a plate if needed.  Students may refill their water bottles at the school fountains or bottle fillers if they desire instead of bringing an additional drink.

Ice Cream and/or Popscicles are available for purchase on Fridays, provided that a permission slip has been filled out, signed, and turned in by the parent/guardian. Students are not permitted to purchase more than one frozen treat item each Friday. 

*If your family is designated MKV or homeless, please reach out to school administration or our counseling department for additional information regarding school lunches.

Coming Soon: 

Toward the end of 1st semester, CCA anticipates installing a self-serve/self-pay Buffalo Rock micro-market for pre-packaged lunch and snack items.

image of a micro-market

Buffalo Rock's Mini-Market will provide a small-scale convenience store at CCA which will give our students some choices when it comes to lunchtime. The micro market features a self-checkout kiosk, traditional vending products, and fresh foods. Our students will love the national products and regional favorites, and you’ll love Buffalo Rock's commitment to quality and having some lunch options.